of the UPC Protagonists of Change program for the SDGs 2023
of Startup Perú 8G+ program of ProInnóvate and the Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce).
del ASME Ishow 2022 del America Society of Mechanical Engineers
e-Hackathon on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 2020 of the Inter-American Development Bank.
Lima, Women 4 Climate of the Municipality of Lima, C40 Cities and Cálidda.
Press release in the Peruvian newspaper “RPP”
Television interview for the “Regional Communication Network (RCR)” platform.
Presentation at the conference "Source of Innovation: Accelerating SDG 6" organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations.
Press release in the international newspaper "Publimetro".
With support from: